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Neymar Jr. Ecommerce Strategy






Strategy, UI Design, Interaction Design


Neymar Jr. Ecommerce Strategy






Strategy, UI Design, Interaction Design


Demonstrate the flexibility of the Nike.com ecommerce platform by proving to the Neymar Jr. Marketing Team we have the tools they need for storytelling and conversion.

Journey Map Overview

Primary Strategy

Create a Neymar Jr. landing page that serves as a content hub to find the best stories and products from Neymar and Nike. Drive users to elevated Neymar Jr. product walls to convert browsers to buyers.

Driving to Stories

We recommend driving users to the Neymar Jr. landing page which will be used to discover  content that will push users into shopping experiences.

Driving to Commerce

There will also be the flexibility to move consumers directly into shopping experiences with product stories.

Nike Traffic

Users coming from Nike pages will be pushed into product walls to keep them in the shopping mindset.

Nike Traffic

We can also move users from soccer landing pages to the Neymar Jr. hub for special brand moments and stories.

The Ecosystem

Combing key Nike pages will allow the Neymar Jr. Marketing team to tell their story and get users to the products they want to see.

Landing Pages

Hero story cards elevate brand stories
Carousels are used to tell product collection stories
Visual story cards promote collections and product releases.
Single cards elevate big brand moments and product stories
Navigation to Gender Filtered Product Walls

Product Walls

Visual headers bring storytelling into the shopping journey
Control over merchandising display
Visual story cards promote collections and product releases.

Responsive templates


Membership acquisition is important to Nike’s business strategy and can help drive traffic to Neymar Jr. Experiences.

Member-Only Product from Instagram Story

Member-Only Product from Instagram Account

Email Capture Experience